What really is blog/site optimization?

To some, when the words blog/site optimization is mentioned, it sounds very high to them and as if it requires rocket science for them to even engage in blog/site optimization on their various blogs.

This time around, we want to take everybody by the hand and explicitly define the full meaning of blog/site optimization.

If you landed here and think that we are going to be teaching you how to optimize your blog/site, then we will be sorry to disappoint you a little. Just as the topic suggest, we want to give you details on what blog/site optimization is all about and not really to go in depth on how to carry out blog/website optimization but you it will still benefit you immensely to know where to start from.

I know as webmasters you must have had about blog/site optimization just the same way you hear Search Engine optimization (SEO).

We won’t beat about the bush but will be going straight to all you need to know about the words or phrase “blog/site optimization”

Whenever you hear the phrase blog/site optimization, without allowing it to bamboozle you any longer, what it actually means is just any way of bringing out the best out of your blog/site and that is all. In other words you can say taking your blog to the next level by all ramifications in the blogosphere.

It is assumed that no blog in the blogosphere is perfect and therefore at any point in time there is always room to carry out blog/site optimization. You can always keep getting better with your blog and there is no end limit to the best you can come out with your blog.
Now the big question that you might be prompting to ask is; what do you optimize your blog for?

And the simple answer to that question is that you can optimize your blog for virtually everything that blogging entails.

Now let’s break it down and list out the most things people optimize their blogs for in order for their blog to come out better.

= =>You can decide optimize your blog design - If you read our previous piece on 4 dangers of constantly changing blog design, it can assist you on the best practices and best time you can optimize your blog.

= =>Content optimization – You can really optimize your contents in so many ways. For example your previous contents can be considered as poorly drafted, so there is always room for content improvements.

= =>SEO optimization/traffic optimization – You can optimize your blog for better search engine ranking and for improved traffic.

= =>Blog load time optimization – You can optimize for the speed or time your blog pages takes to load on browsers.

= =>Blog monetization optimization – You can optimize for better conversion of the ads on your blog. For example you can optimize the ads by repositioning.

= =>Comment section optimization – From time to time you can also decide to optimize that section of your blog too. For example you can try out comment spam filters plugins or install some better commenting plugins.

In fact the lists is almost endless, we can go and on and keep listing them out, and that is why I initially said that you can virtually optimize for everything that pertains to your blog.

Finally, the bottom line is that you can always get better with your blog by consistency, persistency, and learning and practicing from the right channels, those are truly what blog optimization stands for.

If you are happy with this piece, please you can always use the comment box to express yourself or contribute your own idea to the community, and don’t also forget to share with your friends, you might just be rendering some much needed helps to your fellow webmaster on what really to optimize for.
What really is blog/site optimization? What really is blog/site optimization? Reviewed by Edwin Akwudolu on 6:11:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. Hi Edwin!

    I hope you have a great day today!

    Understanding what is blog optimization or SEO is important, it's vital bloggers/writer's life.

    As a matter of fact, optimizing your blog content is the first step to move towards the success of your blog. This one helps to improve your ranking in major search engines like Google which gives traffic to your blog.

    Blog load time optimization, Blog monetization optimization, Comment section optimizatio, SEO optimization/traffic optimization and Content optimization are all important.

    Thanks for sharing this with us.

    Your post has been shared on Kingged.com, IM social bookmarking site, enabling me to find this good piece.

  2. Hi Edwin, '
    I like the simplicity and clarity of this post. Yes, blog/site optimization can simply be described as "...any way of bringing out the best out of your blog/site and that is all". This is a direct and uncomplicated definition. Newbies and professionals alike can identify with this definition!

    More so, every bloggers should try to make their blogs better by applying strategies and tactics that would make any part better!

    I upvoted this post in kingged where it was shared for Internet marketers.

    1. Hi Sunday,

      I appreciate the fact that you understood how simple the piece was intended to make anybody understand what blog optimization is all about.

      Thanks for dropping by and do have a lovely day ahead

  3. Hi Edwin,

    I do think the word 'optimization' is what sends chill down the spines of many newbie bloggers.

    Knowing the hows and whens to optimize your blog in general is really something worth considering as it is good for SEO.

    I did find this post of yours on kingged.com!

    1. Hi Emmanuel,

      I think you are absolutely right, it is the word optimization that mystify s the newbie blogger.

      Yeah, you really need to know the right time to do that and I believe with this piece the newbie bloggers will begin to muster some confidence and do the needful at the right time

  4. Hello Edwin,

    That's a simple but great post. Optimizing a blog is a limitless process. And the list of optimizations to be done is too long.

    Everyone should focus on optimizing his/her blog. Mainly on SEO, social media promotion, Rewriting articles, Building backlinks, and the design. This are the main things to be done by blogger.

    Thanks for such nice post!

    I found this post shared on www.kingged.com and commented on it.

    1. Hi Swaraj,

      Thank you for appreciating the post and all those things you mentioned are other things to optimize blog for.

      Thank once again for dropping by, do have a great day


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